Convegno “Therapeutic Nanoproducts: from Biology to Innovative Technology” presso Istituto Superiore di Sanità. 19-20 Giugno 2019

Si terrà presso l’Istituto Superiore di Sanità nei giorni 19 e 20 giugno 2019 il convegno “Therapeutic Nanoproducts: from Biology to Innovative Technology” co-organizzato da Istituto Superiore di Sanità e Associazione Italiana di Colture Cellulari – AICC.

Aim and objectives: The conference will discuss in depth the mechanisms of interaction between new chemical-biological formulations and biophysical systems to improve the transport of drugs into normal and tumor cells. The enhancement of the therapeutic efficiency of a system of nanometric dimensions requires the development of new skills, within planning strategies leading to the expansion and sharing of knowledge in a multidisciplinary environment. The purpose of this event is to improve knowledge and encourage the optimization of production methods and discuss related regulatory aspects.


Programma, registrazion form e abstract form di seguito 064D19-Programme 064D19-Registration-form 064D19-Abstract-form (1) (1)

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Diego Baderna

Diego Baderna