INvitro toxicology: from INtestine to braIN
Convegno di aggiornamento sui metodi alternativi in tossicologia organizzato il 23 febbraio 2017 dal Rumanian Center for alternative test methods (ROCAM) in collaborazione con CELLTOX e IPAM presso la University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine a Cluj-Napoca in Romania. Referente:
EUROTOX 2017 a Bratislava (SK) dal 10 al 13 settembre 2017
Il Convegno EUROTOX 2017 (53o convegno delle Società Europee di Tossicologia) si terrà a Bratislava (Slovacchia) dal 10 al 13 settembre 2017. Registrazioni “early bird” sono aperte fino al 14 aprile 2017.
Advances in Cell & Tissue Culture 2017 Manchester (UK) 22-24 maggio 2017
La Conferenza sarà quest’anno organizzata da Kirkstall a Manchester. Registrazioni sono aperte fino al 30 aprile a prezzo ridotto.
Report del Corso “Dalla cellula ai QSAR: modelli predittivi alternativi in tossicologia.”
Il report in inglese del Corso Teorico/Pratico organizzato da CELLTOX lo scorso aprile a Genova è stato pubblicato nella rivista ALTEX nel numero di gennaio 2017
Il Direttivo CELLTOX augura a tutti i nostri soci e sostenitori Buone feste e un Felice 2017 Referente:
Posizione di studente di PhD presso l’Università Eastern Finland
A call for a doctoral student position at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) has been released. This call is one of Fifteen Early Stage Researcher (ESR) vacancies in the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network “OCUTHER”. The specific webpage for this call is: The OCUTHER vacancies webpage is:
D-BALM Il Database sui metodi alternativi alla sperimentazione animale ha aggiornato il suo sito
D-BALM new websites now includes 26 new method descriptions of advanced and alternative methods at all stages of development and acceptance have been published. Comprehensive descriptions of novel approach methods with summaries and/or protocols compliant with regulatory guidelines, undergoing scientific validation or developed and evaluated in EU integrated research projects,
ESTIV will award a total of 3 grants for attending the ESTIV-BelTox “Applied In Vitro Toxicology” course, taking place 8-13 January 2017 in Belvaux-Luxembourg, covering a full registration waiver. Candidates have a maximum age of 35 years old and must have first registered for the course and booked accommodation and
Premio NCR3s
The NC3Rs is seeking nominations for its 2016 3Rs prize, an annual award which recognises primary research which has made an exceptional contribution towards scientific and technological advances in one or more of the 3Rs in medical, biological or veterinary sciences. The 2016 competition is now open for applications. Completed
Applied In Vitro Toxicology Course organized by ESTIV in collaboration with the Belgian Toxicology Association 8 – 13 January 2017
ESTIV, in collaboration with the Belgian Toxicology Association (BelTox), will organize for the second time the ‘Applied In Vitro Toxicology Course’. This 6-days course will take place in Belvaux-Luxembourg on 8-13 January 2017 and combines cutting-edge lectures with highly interactive group exercises. The lectures cover a broad spectrum of subjects